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Технический специалист по работе с контентом/Technical content specialist

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Открыт набор на вакансию технический специалист в г. Москва.
Novakid is an English language school catering to children aged 4-12, and is actively seeking a new team member - Content Tech SpecialistJoin our Content-Tech-Team and use your tech skills to enrich our educational platform. You'll handle a range of tasks, such as enhancing lessons with interactive elements, adding content to mini-games and providing technical assistance for the release of lessons. This role is perfect for those passionate about leveraging technology to improve education, offering a diverse and impactful challenge. Key Responsibilities: Add interactivity to our lessons Make day-to-day content changes on the platform Conduct thorough testing to identify and rectify bugs, ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience Undertake research tasks to help us stay ahead of technological trends Assist with intercom cases from Client Services and Teacher Operations Essential Skills and Experience: Knowledge of English C1 Technical Proficiency: Solid experience with a variety of software tools including Google Suite, Adobe Photoshop (or similar photo editing software), Figma, Chrome Developer Tools. Additional software knowledge or knowledge of spreadsheets and statistics will be considered an asset. Coding basics: A grasp of basic programming concepts and the ability to read and write some basic code (e.g markup/HTML/CSS) Relevant Background: Previous involvement in technology-driven roles, such as game development, web design, or graphic design, is highly advantageous. Personal Attributes: A strong attention to detail. Adaptability: Comfortable with rapid task-switching and can adjust priorities on the fly in response to changing needs. Quality-Focused: Takes pride in delivering work of the highest standard and continuously seeks ways to enhance job performance. Problem-Solving: Employs a scientific and analytical approach to navigate challenges logically. Eagerness to Learn: A quick study, always on the lookout to acquire new skills and knowledge. This role suits someone with an interest in education technology and a desire to contribute to digital learning. It requires motivation, attention to detail, and a proactive approach.


Novakid Inc

Контактное лицо: Novakid Inc
ID вакансии 33442697      Размещено 21 января
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